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Kingswood Court main house
Kingswood Court main house
Kingswood retirement apartments sketch scheme
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Kingswood Court

Kingswood Court

Balcombe Care Homes Ltd

Kingswood Court is an established and popular care home. However, Cover Storey's commission was to explore options for the extension of the 'offer' which the overall estate might be able to fulfill. We were also tasked with ensuring that any extended offer should be commercially viable in comparison to the hiving off of land, which was not the preferred route for our clients.

We designed a concierge-managed small apartment complex, set into the grounds and surrounded by mature gardens. The design combined the convenience and robustness of support available 24-hours-a-day from the main care home with a luxury apartment approach to the living spaces and grounds. The scheme included a mixture of one- and two-bed apartments plus a large shared bar and dining facility (in addition to the individual apartments). The is also separate bookable guest overnight accommodation, a boules pitch, laundry and medical room.