71-72 North Street
November 2017
Private Client
R W Armstrong
71-72 North Street is a Grade II listed property which for years has suffered from excessively low ceilings (even by central Chichester's standards) and the building has been largely unoccupied as a result. Through a considered investigation of the building, including numerous repairs and renovations which have taken place over the last 300 years, much of the original building has now been revealed.
In close collaboration with the Historic Buildings officer, our engineers Archibald Shaw and R W Armstrong, the main contractor, the building is now fully and sensitively renovated, ensuring both the long term survival of the building and its original materials and also creating within it a light airy space; previous interventions including cementitious render we removed, the suffocated brickwork, carefully repaired and a traditional, highly breathable lime render was reinstated, allowing the walls to breathe again.