64 Restaurant - Chichester College

Autumn 2016
Chichester College
Amiri Construction
Project Manager:
The project at Chichester College, to redefine the identity of the commercial training restaurant, began in 2015 – in fact Daniel worked on the scheme as design architect and project director at his previous practice up until the start of works on site. Thank you to Amiri Construction for the photographs.
The scheme’s success centred on our rearrangement of the available space, flipping the orientation of the existing ground floor of ‘B’ Block to bring the Goodwood restaurant from its out-of-the-way location at the far end of the building and install it afresh on the College’s main pedestrian thoroughfare, rebranding the facility as the ’64 Restaurant’.
By the end of the project, the whole catering school had been completely redesigned. Students now prepare dishes in a cutting edge full commercial kitchen and serve their amazing creations in the setting of what might just have become one of the premier eating destinations in Chichester.
We are justly proud of the individual contribution made to the scheme and are humbled both by the response from staff, students and customers but also by the kind words of gratitude from the College Principal, Shelagh Legrave:
Chichester College has had a long-standing relationship with Daniel Stroud who has worked on a number of different projects for the College. Most recently he designed the innovative new training restaurants . The use of space to create a large training kitchen and a new restaurant, whilst maintaining and upgrading a second restaurant, has been universally admired by customers and College staff and students. We now have two restaurants and two training kitchens fit for the 21st century, meeting the needs of our students and offering a beautiful space for external functions and conferences. We are delighted by how well Daniel's designs have worked in practice.